Technical & Sales Engineer at PABT | Rewarded in the DRC

Membo Kaniki, Pump System Specialist in the DRC

Membo Kaniki, Pump System Specialist in the DRC, has been working for Pump & Abrasion Technologies for one year and four months. 

Kamoto Copper Company (KCC) is a world-respected mining business in the DRC that produces copper and cobalt. They were having problems with their slurry pumps with regards to leakage, which led to acidic mud being everywhere. They approached Membo with the problem, who then sat with the manager of KCC and the Country Manager of PABT in the DRC, Jaco Swart.

We came in with a problem-solving mindset and provided them with a pumping solution. We also recommended that they undergo pump training in order to understand the functionality of the pump sealing system and to avoid similar problems occurring in the future. Membo had 8 technical and practical slurry pump training sessions with the various teams over the course of 2 months. 

“We showed them how PABT’s latest pumping technology works and how to avoid leakages - specifically focusing on our sealing arrangements.”
- Membo Kaniki, Pump System Specialist in the DRC

The acidic mud was an enormous problem for the mine and that is why they were so determined to reward Membo not only for the time and effort he put in educating them on how the revolutionary Curve pump works, but also on how to keep the mine running without any interrupted problems or failures that will contribute to time being wasted, and to hazardous environment being created.

The certificate Membo received is only given to employees who work for KCC, but they were so impressed with Membo that they extended it to an external party.

Membo’s goal is to contribute and accelerate the success of Pump & Abrasion Technologies in the DRC. He is determined to promote our innovative engineering, impact-reducing products and unrivalled service wherever he goes.

“Membo is a dedicated employee that plays a major role in our operations in the DRC. We value his work and his determination in providing unrivalled services to our customers.” -Jaco Swart, Country Manager in the DRC

Pump & Abrasion Technologies honours his effort and thanks Membo Kaniki for the work he puts in. We are excited to see what awaits PABT the DRC with this dynamic team and exceptional employee.

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